Sunday, July 25, 2010

Political Silly Season

Elections, whatever the level (Federal, State or Local) bring out the competitive streak in all politicians. "One-up -manship" becomes the order of the day. "You think you are tough on crime? I can be tougher!" "Cut immigration by 50%? I will cut it by 60%." Whatever the topic, each side tries to go further. They push relentlessly to the extremes, usually in the negative direction. All of this adds up to just one thing - a stifling of political debate.

Every party, once they are in office, has but one stay in office. Every decision, every action, every indecision is to accomplish one goal - staying in power. The common excuse is that they are the only party that has the answers, hence to get the correct outcomes, they need to stay in power. Unfortunately this leads to an abrogation  of responsibility by governments. Hard decisions are not made. By definition they are hard because they will lead to unpopularity.

The role of government is to do just that - govern. They should not fear unpopularity. True, it could cost them their jobs but their role is not to stay in power, it is to govern. Good government does not come easily or cheaply. Unpopular decisions need to be made for the future good of the country. For the good of the current and the future citizens.

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