Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Railroaded Again!

Well they have done it again! The State Government has announced another iteration of the North-west rail link. What's that - version number 5. So, if they are to be believed the rail link wil be commenced in 2017. A bit ironic in that this is when the last version was going to be finished!

By my reckoning a start in 2017 gives them two opportunities to go through the "Yes, we are going to build it - No, that has been scrapped" cycle before they would actually have to start work. The only problem with that is that each time they scrap/re-announce the project they start time goes back.

This is the same government that gave back the tolls on the M4 and M5, and just recently lifted the toll altogether on the M4 "because it was an election promise". That must be the only one they have kept.

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